A sperm donor willingly gave his chromosomes to a couple so they could have a child. He was not seeking anything in return, but the donor might have to literally pay for his actions.

According to CNN, a sperm donor and a separated lesbian couple are now at legal odds over child support, in Kansas.

This donor freely gave this couple a chance to become parents and the Kansas legal system is fighting against that decision about five years later.

The donor, William Marotta, had a contract with the women and agreed to give the couple the sperm with no parental attachment, writes ABC News.

So Marotta and the couple came to an agreement that this incident would not happen, but it is anyways.

CNN reports, the now 4-year-old child’s parents are separated and one of the women needed financial support from the state and that is where Marotta is involved.

The legal battle begins not over parental rights, but rather where the child’s monetary benefits will come from.

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