A new hand-held device, named TellSpec, will be able to reveal what hides in our food. The company is expected to begin product delivery in August of this year, according to its website.

The TellSpec device is as small as a computer mouse, and it is able to send beams of light over your food to ultimately scan for the chemical makeup, possible allergens, and even calorie count. According to TellSpec.com and abcnews.go.com, once the information has ran through an algorithm the results are then sent to a designated app on your Smartphone.

Today, food can be quite mysterious and it can be difficult to know what exactly you are eating. For example, The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics states that fat-free food may still contain up to .5 grams of fat per serving. People on a fat-restrictive diet are not always made aware of this fact. Additionally, those with celiac disease must always be cautious of gluten cross-contamination.

TellSpec's CEO, Isabel Hoffman, has taken her family's personal defeat to allergens and channeled it to create a device that may help generations to come. In addition to helping prevent allergic reactions, TellSpec may be able to help those suffering from overweight and obesity-related diseases. It is an affordable product that will revolutionize the world of nutrition and disease prevention.