The voice of Yukon Cornelius in the iconic children’s holiday film Rudolph the Red-nosed Reindeer, Larry D. Mann, has passed away at the age of 91.

His son, Richard Mann, confirmed that his father had died due to his age in Los Angeles on Monday. The last role he did before he died was 1991’s Homefront. Throughout his career, he was also in 1964’s animated Rudolph, Bewitched, Gunsmoke and more.

According to Daily News, Mann was a disc-jockey in Toronto before he found success in acting and voice acting. He started his career in the 1950s, appearing in small parts in films like The Sting and In the Heat of the Night.

Mann’s character, Cornelius, is one of the most recognized characters in holiday film history. Fans have taken to Twitter to respond to his death, with one writing, ”The man who taught us that bumbles bounce has died of old age, not falling off a cliff,” and another writing, “It looks like Bumble finally took Yukon Cornelius down. Larry D. Mann dead at 91.”

image: YouTube screenshot