Ted Kotcheff, who directed, and screenwriter Robert Kane of Weekend at Bernie’s have sued Fox and MGM. The two filed the lawsuit on Friday in state court in Los Angeles.

Klane is known for his work on MASH and Kotcheff directed Rambo: First Blood and Uncommon Valor.

Variety reported that the lawsuit includes breach of contract, covenant and implied faith, improper account and other violations of the California business, professional code.

Kotcheff and Kane both signed contracts that included compensation for their work as producers, writers and directors of the film. This contract also included a share of the gross profits.

The lawsuit explains that the box office gross receipts were more than $30 million and residuals for further venues were more than $16 million, The Hollywood Reporter.

Weekend at Bernie's was released back in 1989 and the comedy starred Andrew McCarthy and Jonathan Silverman.

MGM had no comment regarding the lawsuit and Fox did not speak out regarding the lawsuit.

The duo are seeking a jury trial.

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