Actor Antonio Banderas and the cast of the upcoming film, The 33, met with coal miners and Chilean leader, Sebastian Pinera on Friday.
The actors were received by hundreds of screaming fans outside the presidential palace. According to the Associated Press, Sebastian Pinera said, "The world needs hope, good news, stories that end well. And since most stories end badly, this is what people wanted: an injection of hope and faith."
The 33 is a film that based on an actual event that happened when a gold and copper mine in Chile collapsed in 2010. Banderas plays Mario Sepulveda, the man who became the public face of the miners. Juliette Binoche plays Maria Segovia, the sister of a trapped miner. Other celebrities in the film include Lou Diamond Phillips, James Brolin, and Gabriel Byrne. According to Variety, Rodrigo Santoro will play the Chilean Minister of Mining. The director of the film is Patricia Riggen.
The filming of The 33 is set to run from Feb. 4 to March 10 at the mine. A portion of it was already filmed at a salt mine in Colombia.
Image: Imagenet