Maria Luisa Portuondo Vila is on the hunt for her mystery lover and she believes he is in New York City.

According to Metro News, Vila is posting fliers all around subway stations in the city to draw attention to the man.

"Pay attention NY! This is about my heart," the posters read.

Since Vila is in the states for an internship, she only has until March to find her heart's desire before she returns to her home in Santiago, Chile.

“He was so handsome. He caught my attention because we exchanged glances and in New York, that’s so difficult. In Chile everyone looks at you, but here, no. Nobody looks at you. So we looked at each other and I felt good," the artist explained.

The pair locked eyes on the subway and just as Vila was going to give the man her contact information, the subway became crowded and Vila lost her love interest before she had to get off on 14th street.

Yahoo! News noted that the young artist has posted 300 prints around the subway including information to help bring the two together.

“I have a lot of friends who tell me, ‘You’re crazy [and] that this is weird. Poor man.’ But I’m like, ‘No, this is not crazy – it’s romantic," Vila