Today, February 4th, is World Cancer Day. To honor this day, and those who have fought and survived cancer, Chevrolet and General Motors have begun a special charity called “Purple Your Profile.” Chevrolet wants to help celebrate cancer survivors on this particular day.

The “Purple Your Profile” promotion can be done by anybody who uses Facebook or Twitter. Chevrolets goal is to raise $1 million dollars for the American Cancer Society. By adding a purple tint to your Facebook profile picture or Twitter picture, $1 will be donated from Chevrolet for each social media site.

All you have to do is go to the Chevrolet website where there is a “Purple Your Profile” section with two buttons to turn your Facebook and/or Twitter picture purple, along with two buttons to help share the promotion on your social media sites to encourage others to join the cause.

The website reads, “Action is the strongest way to improve the lives of those with cancer today and help find cures to end the disease tomorrow. Help us finish the fight and purple your profile now.”

Chevrolet hopes enough people can turn their profile pictures purple, which is a part of their Purple Roads fundraising campaign, so they can donate the $1 million dollars.

Examiner reports that it is unclear how long you need to keep the picture purple, since today is the specific day. But even if it is just for today, or as long as you’d like to leave it, there’s no reason people shouldn’t be taking part in this wonderful cause. It takes a short time to do and will help raise money.

By clicking here you will be sent to the Chevrolet website so you can Purple Your Profile and help them reach their donation goal for the American Cancer Society on this years World Cancer Day. Spread the word by sharing the promotion in hopes that as many people as possible will have a purple tint to their profile pictures today.

Watch the Purple Roads video here to learn more about the cause.

Photo Courtesy of Facebook