The fast food restaurant announced on Tuesday that it will serve antibiotic-free chicken within five years.

According to CNN, Chick-fil-A Inc. said that the Atlanta-based company plans to use chicken raised without antibiotics in all of its restaurants.

"Since our family business began 67 years ago, we have focused on our customers. It's why we insist upon using the highest quality ingredients," Dan Cathy, president and chief executive officer said in a statement. "We want to continue that heritage, and offering antibiotic-free chicken is the next step."

The Atlanta Journal-Constitution notes that the company believes the move will make it the first in the fast-food industry to commit to “a 100 percent ‘raised without antibiotics’ standard for poultry.”

Chick-fil-A has now aligned with other restaurants and product producers that have decided to go the healthier route and serve food without all the extra stuff that consumers do not want or need.

Last week, Subway announced it was removing the chemical Azodiacarbonamide from its bread and on Monday, Kraft Foods said that it would be taking out some of the artificial preservatives in its Kraft Singles cheese slices.