On Tuesday, the Senate passed the long-awaited farm bill, which covers food stamps, insurance and actual farm-relate subjects, and has sent it off to President Barack Obama, who is expected to sign.

The bill, which costs an estimated $956 billion spread over 10 years, passed 68-32 in the Senate, reports Reuters. Congress took a long time to get the bill together and passed as both sides argued over issues, like how much should be cut from the food stamp program, which will be less than the $40 billion that Republicans in the House wanted.

Democratic Vermont Sen. Patrick Leahy said, "This was hard fought. It was as complex an effort as I have ever seen and I have been on the Agricultural Committee for close to 40 years."

Obama has noted that "the farm bill isn't perfect - but on the whole, it will make a positive difference not only for the rural economies that grow America's food, but for our nation."

CNN broke down some of what the farm bill does, such as provide more information on meat that consumers buy. More information is now required on labels. Another change is that it helps make farming less of a risk-filled endeavor.

It also adds in conservation efforts, which many have ignored as they looked to plant and harvest more corn.

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