Producers from the film, Godzilla, have released a trailer for the film. The latest trailer shows the stomping, bellowing lizard, and the cast surrounding the famous figure.

The new Godzilla movie takes place after what is believed to be a natural disaster. It shows the lizard towering over a cityscape in shambles. A new poster has also been released to promote the film.

The movie’s British director, Gareth Edwards, told The Telegraph, “Trying to get the face right was the main thing. I guess he's got more of a bear's face, or a dog's. We also used eagle. There's a lot of nobility in an eagle. It made him feel very majestic and noble."

The screenplay for the 2014 version of the film was written by Max Borenstein. Aaron Taylor-Johnson and Elizabeth Olsen star in the film. Godzilla will feature Bryan Cranston, Juliette Binoche, Sally Hawkins, David Strathairn and Ken Watanabe, according to MTV. The last incarnation of Godzilla starred Matthew Broderick and was released in 1998.

The new Godzilla is due out in movie theaters on May 16.

Image: Wikimedia Commons