Just when you think Justin Bieber can’t pull anymore insane stunts, he changes his name. That’s right! Justin has officially decided to rename himself Bizzle; or at least on Instagram. The change occurred recently, with Justin changing his Instagram handle to Bizzle; although his Facebook and Twitter names remain untouched.
For all of the diehard beleibers out there, there is nothing to worry about. US Magazine reports that Justin has said this change is just “for now.” In the meantime, Justin himself does have something to worry about, because the name Bizzle already belongs to another musician. MTV reports that the name is already owned by UK rapper Lethal Bizzle, who is none too pleased to be sharing with the 19 year old pop star.
Bizzle took to his Facebook page on Monday February 10th to comment on the situation with a split-screen photo of him and Justin’s mug shot saying, “LeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaveIt.” However, name changes are not outside the norm for celebrities. Many musicians such as P-Diddy, Snoop Dogg, and Lady Gaga have changed their name for the sake of their career. This might just be the first step for a new and improved Justin Bizzle.