The Little Couple’s Jen Arnold has announced her cancer is in remission. She is currently battling stage three choriocarcinoma, which is a cancer developed on the utereus. She developed the disease after a failed pregnancy.

According to People, Arnold’s blood count will be monitored closely by her doctors as her chemotherapy treatments come to an end. Getting the chemo dosage for Arnold was a struggle for doctors due to her height – she is 3’2.

Arnold announced she was battling cancer in December of 2013. In an interview with The Wrap, she said, “I have recently been diagnosed with a rare type of cancer and am currently undergoing treatment, including surgery and chemotherapy.”

Husband, Bill Klein, aided Arnold as she battled cancer by caring for her on days when the chemotherapy took its toll on her. She also credited her two young children for helping to keep her mind off her sickness and to let her enjoy life.

The most recent season of The Little Couple brought in the highest number of viewers for the show. It centered on the adoption of their son Will. Season four of the show will focus on Jen’s battle with cancer.

Watch the return of The Little Couple on March 4 at 10/9c on TLC.

Photo courtesy of TLC