George Clooney has written and directed the new film, The Monuments Men, which is being released this week.

According to Variety, Clooney said, “I grew up in a family of storytellers, but Google has destroyed us, because you can fact-check everything. We’d always like the stories to be a little better than they were.”

Clooney has appeared in some films with plot lines that were quite elevated, taking the narrative and bringing it up a notch. Clooney is known for his work in Ocean’s Eleven and Ocean’s Thirteen.

For The Monuments MenClooney depended on his co-stars John Goodman, Bill Murray, and Matt Damon. The movie also follows star Cate Blanchett. Working with these Hollywood A-listers have been a joy for Clooney who is glad to not only work with good people, but with great stories. In the film, Clooney plays Frank Stokes. The movie is screening out of competition at the film festival in Berlin, according to the Associated Press.

Although he’s known primarily as an actor, Clooney is also the director of the much awaited film. The movie had been delayed in 2013. The Monuments Men is due in theaters on Feb. 7.

Image: EPK TV