Nashville firefighter, Joel Mitchell, was fired Friday for supposedly having sex at fire stations while on duty. The investigation began back in December, and the firing came three days after a panel met and determined termination was appropriate for his actions. Mitchell was with the fire department for six years.

During the panel’s meeting Mitchell, 28, was found guilty of multiple violations, none of which there is concrete evidence of. Mark Young, President of the IAFF Local 140, who represents Nashville’s firefighters spoke about the incident after Mitchell was terminated.

According to newschannel5 Young said, “"Never, ever have I dealt with a disciplinary issue where there was zero evidence and termination was the end result. We definitely don't want anybody to just come off the street and file a complaint against someone and the person is terminated without any evidence."

According to Young believes this case is simply about revenge. Mitchell previously worked with the complainant and her boyfriend has openly said he wants Mitchell’s career ruined.