Nintendo continues to refuse to send their games to the mobile market. The once best-selling gaming system has been in constant talks to release some of their most profitable games to smartphone app companies, but have now changed their mind.

Games series such as Zelda, Mario and Pokémon were to be a few of the games to be released on app stores, but according to IGN, they came to a quick halt once Nintendo thought of what the repercussions were. They claim that release of these successful games on mobile phones would negatively impact their handheld gaming system, the Nintendo DS.

The struggling company has recently tried to do damage control after their latest major game console, the Wii U, failed to perform in sales. The gaming console lost the company $15.6 million dollars in 2013, according to CNN. Their Nintendo 3DS also underperformed in sales after its release in 2010.

With the growing numbers of smartphone users, gaming companies have been hit hard as more and more people opt for games on their phones rather than another device. Satoru Iwata, president of Nintendo, confirmed he will not be leaving the company despite the horrible year, but added that he will revamp the company in the upcoming fiscal year.

Image: CNET