Singer and pop sensation, Justin Bieber is planning to relocate to an Atlanta suburb but before he starts unpacking his boxes he will have to deal with his potential neighbors are preempting this possible relocation with a protest.

Bieber is allegedly planning a move to a rich suburb, Buckhead, that is about fifteen minutes from downtown Atlanta, The Hollywood Reporter added.

Following the rumor being posted online about Bieber's move a Facebook event surfaced which urged homeowners to protest at 6 a.m. today.

The Facebook page read, "As a community here in Buckhead, we have worked hard to achieve our goals and get to where we are. Justin Bieber's relocation to Atlanta can be nothing but bad for our children, as well as the community."

CNN spoke with Harold White who is a community member of Buckhead about why the neighborhood doesn't want Bieber moving in. "We're concerned he'll bring the wrong type of element into a quiet, residential area," he said. "It is our position that a person with his means could certainly find a neighborhood more suited to his "eclectic" lifestyle," said White.

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