According to a recent study, shivering in cold weather can actually help you lose weight. Ten to fifteen minutes of shivering equated to an hour of moderate exercise.

According to theweatherchannel a study from Sydney’s Garvan Institute of Medical Research found that shivering could convert energy-storing ‘white fat’ into energy-burning ‘brown fat,’ resulting in similar benefits received from exercise. Brown fat cells have been linked to weight loss.

After placing volunteers in 50 degree weather until they shivered, their blood was drawn. They found two hormones, irisin and FGF21, were released due to the shivering. These are the key hormones in burning white fat cells and creating brown fat cells.

To obtain these results you only need to stay outside briefly. According to BBCnews Dr Paul Lee, one of the scientists behind the research, said, "It's important that if we do want to expose ourselves to cold, it is mild cold exposure."
So why bother hitting the gym if sitting outside can burn fat too?