Philip Seymour Hoffman has passed away at the age of 46. Hoffman had a long career and was a beloved actor by many fans. Hoffman was not afraid to take on serious roles and show off a more humorous side when it came to his acting. No role was off limit.

Hoffman could play a villain or a leading man and was consider one of the greatest actors of his generation. He won the Oscar for Capote and had a variety of nominations. Along with his passion projects, Hoffman had recently joined a big blockbuster production, The Hunger Games.

He played the role of Plutarch Heavensbee. The future of the films is currently unknown, it is not clear when or how much of the film was already completed at the time of his passing.

In honor of his life and incredible career that spanned many years on film and on the big screen, is counting down the top ten Phillip Seymour Hoffman films including, The Big Lebowski, his role in the ongoing trilogy, Catching Fire, Moneyball. Did your favorite not make the list comment below and add your favorite Hoffman film.

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10. The Big Lebowski

This now famous comedy featured a younger Hoffman and his over the top character became an instant fan favorite.

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9. The Hunger Games: Catching Fire

Hoffman played the role of Plutarch Heavensbee in this box office giant that was the sequel to The Hunger Games. Heavensbee plays an important role in the books and in the film and Hoffman brought the character to life in a way that pleased fans and made the pages of the book seem real on screen.

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8. Moneyball

Another strong performance from Hoffman, Moneyball showed the true range that he had as an actor.

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7. The Talented Mr. Ripley

Another fan favorite was Hoffman’s role in The Talented Mr. Ripley.

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6. Cold Mountain

Cold Mountain another role that showed the incredible range and heart that Hoffman had on screen was his work in the war drama Cold Mountain. Opposite Jude Law, Hoffman stole the film every time he was on camera.

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5. Mission Impossible 3

Hoffman took on a villainous role in Mission Impossible 3 and shocked audiences with this incredible and haunting take on a villain.

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4. Charlie’s Wilson War

Another Oscar nomination came for Hofffman through his work in Charlie’s Wilson War.

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3. Doubt

This haunting film featured a variety of breakout and stunning performances from actors and actresses but once again Hoffman stole the screen with his role in this film. Hoffman would not only act, he would become the character and it was seen in Doubt.

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2. The Master

Another Oscar nomination came for Hoffman with his role in The Master, which was another fan favorite.

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1. Capote

The film that brought Hoffman is Oscar nomination and first win as a lead actor. Hoffman transformed himself into Turman Capote and delivered the performance of a lifetime.

image: Wikimedia Commons