AMC's The Walking Dead has become an unstoppable force and once again has beat the Olympics in the ratings once again.

The most recent episode of The Walking Dead drew in over 13.3 million viewers and scored 6.8 rating in the key demographic target. The AMC drama was also the most watched drama in the major key demographic. This made the AMC drama the No. 1 regularly scheduled entertainment program for Sunday, LA Times reported.

Deadline added that NBC’s Sochi broadcast only scored a 5.6 rating during the same 9 p.m. time slot.

AMC was also enjoying a ratings bump from Talking Dead, which is the after show for Walking Dead. Talking brought in 4.8 million viewers, including 3.1 million viewers in the 18-49 age range.

The Sunday night ratings were released a day late due to the President’s Day holiday on Monday.

Last week, the midseason premiere of The Walking Dead attracted over 16 million viewers and once again beat the NBC broadcast of the Winter Olympics.

When it comes to the ratings game, Walking Dead took home the gold and the Olympics are in second place with a silver.

image: AMC