As The Lego Movie continues to dominate at the box office, Warner Bros. and Village Roadshow Pictures have announced that they have set the release date for the sequel.

The sequel will hit theaters on May 26, 2017, reports Variety. The film does not yet have a title.

As previously reported, the news of a sequel leaked out before Lego Movie had even hit theaters two weeks ago. Jared Stern and Michelle Morgan were tapped to write the script.

Lego Movie has done well at the box office for the past two weeks, with the animated comedy grossing $48.8 million in its second weekend at the box office.

The film has already earned $151 million at the domestic box office and an additional $52 internationally. The film will likely remain atop the box office for another weekend as nothing strong is due out and Pompeii and 3 Days To Kill being hampered by weak reviews.

image courtesy of Warner Bros.