The diaper bags and strollers are being used again as the Lost and Intelligence star Josh Holloway welcomes home his second child.
E! Online reports that Holloway and his wife Yessica Kumala added another addition to their family. Holloway gushed about his little bundle of joy.
“Yes we have!" said Holloway. "Six-week-old boy, Hunter Lee Holloway."
The couple have been married since October 2004 and have a four-year-old daughter named Java.
Holloway raved about his daughter and her talents to People in December. “She’s something else,” said Holloway.“She had her first piano recital the other day, so I’m very proud.”
Holloway expressed his admiration for Kumala’s pregnancy glow. He said, “It’s cute! It’s been a good pregnancy. So far, so good”
Now that couple have their hands full with little children Holloway says his wife has everything under control.
“Yes, my wife's a rock star," said Holloway. "I'm a loser, just ask her. I'm kidding. It's all good."
In addition to talking about his new born son Hunter Lee Holloway opened up about his Lost character Sawyer. Holloway was asked what would his character being ten years later.
"Whatever it is he'd be doing, it would probably be with a woman," said Holloway. "He tends to lean that way in all his operations. So I'd say that."
Image: Wikimedia Commons