A woman who was mauled and permanently disfigured by a friend’s chimpanzee in 2009, has released a video pleading with lawmakers for permission to sue the State of Connecticut.

According to CNN, in the seven minute video, Charla Nash described what it was like to wake up in a hospital bed without her vision and her hands.

"It's a different world to not be able to see again or to use your hands and do things for yourself that you have to depend on other people for help now," she said.

The video is a plea to her state legislators to allow her to proceed with a $150 million lawsuit. A claims commissioner rejected her request to sue last June.

Nash was attacked by her friend Sandra Herold’s pet chimpanzee. Before the attack, Travis the chimp, appeared on TV shows and in commercials for Coca-Cola and Old Navy. But one February day five years ago, he attacked Nash, blinding her and severing her nose, ears and both hands. He was then shot by police in order to stop the attack.

The New York Post noted that the victim reached a $4 million settlement with Herold’s estate in 2012, however, her lawyers say that only covers a fraction of her medical bills.

Nash now lives at a full-time care facility in Massachusetts, where she is awaiting a hand transplant.