An adorable canine got so impatient after her owner left her in the car while he ran an errand, that she jumped into the driver’s seat and laid on the horn to let him know it.

According to the Daily Mail, the 18-month-old Boxer named Fern, caught the attention of some people passing by the car who started filming her antics.

Her owner was apparently taking too long browsing in a Dundee, Scotland art gallery on Saturday afternoon so the video shows Fern continuously honking the car’s horn.

The New York Daily News noted that when her master, Graham Haddow, returned and saw a large crowd gathered around his vehicle, he feared the worst.

“When I got closer, I realized people were pointing and laughing and taking pictures,” he said. “Usually when Fern sees me she stands up and gets excited with her tail wagging but this time she just gave me a sideways glance and kept on honking the horn."

The 58-year-old also said that Fern has become a bit of an online celebrity ever since the video surfaced.