So far two dozen have been arrested as they tried to hop fences to get into the Ultra Music Festival and one security guard is in "extremely critical" condition.
Police were waiting and ready on the second day of the festival as gatecrashers did what they could to hop the fence and get into the music festival, reports CBS Miami. Attendee Wanda Ruiz said, "Ten minutes ago we just saw a person, two people, get arrested they broke the fence down."
Miami Police Public Information Officer Frederica Burden said, "Little do they know we have officers waiting for them on the other side" of the fence.
Between the two days of the music festival, at least 48 people have been arrested, with 26 coming on the second day, though Burden noted not all arrested were people who jumped the fence. "We're seeing some that go in sober and have to be taken out."
Because of fence jumpers, a 28-year-old security guard, Erica Mack, is in "extremely critical" condition at Jackson Memorial hospital, according to Billboard. The Miami Herald reports that Mack suffered both a broken leg and brain hemorrhaging.
The accident happened when a bunch of fans pushed a fence down on top of her as she told them to get away from the fence.