Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg said in a post on his social network Thursday that he has spoken with President Barack Obama to express his frustration with the government's actions on the Internet. The post comes after months of reports about how the NSA and other agencies are using the Internet to spy.

After writing about how important it is to keep the Internet safe and secure, Zuckerberg wrote that he has been “confused and frustrated by the repeated reports of the behavior of the US government.” He continued, “When our engineers work tirelessly to improve security, we imagine we're protecting you against criminals, not our own government.”

The government should be a “champion for the internet, not a threat. They need to be much more transparent about what they're doing, or otherwise people will believe the worst,” according to Zuckerberg.

The 29-year-old billionaire wrote that he called up Obama “to express my frustration over the damage the government is creating for all of our future. Unfortunately, it seems like it will take a very long time for true full reform.”

He concluded his letter by writing, “So it's up to us -- all of us -- to build the internet we want. Together, we can build a space that is greater and a more important part of the world than anything we have today, but is also safe and secure. I'm committed to seeing this happen, and you can count on Facebook to do our part.”

According to the Daily News, Zuckerberg might be referring to the latest report on the government’s Internet activity. First Look exposed an NSA system called “TURBINE,” which includes the NSA’s ability to make a fake Facebook server, They can then infect a target’s computer and spy on the person’s activity. It was just the latest program exposed from the documents Edward Snowden leaked.

Facebook is hardly the only major Internet company to complain about government spying. Google, Microsoft, Facebook and others called on the Department of Justice to release more records on NSA data requests. It's even been reported that Angry Birds and other smartphone apps have been used to spy.

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