A fifth grade student from Ohio was suspended after he pointed his finger in a shape of a gun, and ‘shot’ another student in the head.

In a letter detailing why the student was suspended, Devonshire Alternative Elementary principal Patricia Price said that the finger that was shaped like a gun mimicked a “level 2 lookalike firearm,” according to the Columbus Dispatch.

Nathan Entingh, the suspended fifth grade student said, “I was just playing around. People play around like this a lot at my school,” according to the Times .

District spokesman Jeff Warner defended Principal Price by saying, “The kids were told, If you don’t stop doing this type of stuff, there would be consequences. It’s just been escalating.”

The school adopted a zero tolerance policy to playing guns, however some think that this is unfair due to the punishments that can be given. These punishments can be what the school sees fit-ranging from in-school suspension, out of school suspension to expulsion.