Conversations are ongoing at the Game Developers Conference in San Francisco.

Indie game makers have been showing off their most recent products. They have been previewing games like Drink Box’s Guacamelee!, and attempting to create a buzz about their newest games.

Developers are also discussing crowd-funding, and digital distribution services, not only for PCS but also for mobile devices. Many of the indie game makers are relying on word-of mouth to get the word out about their new products. Meanwhile, larger names like Nintendo and Sony Corp. are hosting talks about the newest products for gamers. Microsoft Corp. showcased 25 new games from ID@ Xbox at an off-site location.

According to the Associated Press, Chris Charla, director at ID(at)Xbox, a program that Microsoft recently launched to attract developers to independently publish games for its Xbox One console, said, "Making sure that a game can get discovered is the new challenge in game development. We've already solved a lot of problems in terms of creating games and distributing games.”

ID@Xbox is Microsoft’s new indie game initiative for Xbox One, according to the Digital Spy. On the topic list for Charla has been multiplatform games and indie publishers.