The search for old video game cartridges continues in New Mexico.

Jonathan Chinin, an executive producer at LightBox Interactive, is looking for unsold cartridges from the E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial video game. It was an unpopular game based on Steven Spielberg’s award-winning film that significantly contributed to the collapse of Atari, the company behind the game.

Fuel Entertainment and LightBox are making plans to continue excavations at the landfill that became a dumping ground for unsold E.T. game cartridges, according to the Associated Press. They were embarking on the excavation for a documentary to be released by Microsoft.

However, regulators have stopped filmmakers from digging at the site. According to CNET, the filmmakers revealed their plans to go forward to South by Southwest. They were planning a long dig, but found that their plans were foiled.

Environment Department officials said the agency is waiting for a revised waste excavation plan. The landfill was used in the 1920s, but has not been active since the late 1980s.