Marc Webb, who directed the first two Amazing Spider-Man films for Sony, has said that the third film of the new franchise will be his last contribution to the series as director. Although Sony does have a fourth movie planned, Webb won’t be behind the helm for that one.
In a new interview with The Daily Beast, Webb said that he would like to continue being a consultant on the franchise, but the third film will be his last.
“I’d like to be involved as a consultant, and I’ve already talked to these guys about it, but in terms of directing it, that will close out my tenure,” he told the site. “I’ve had so much fun doing it, but after the third movie, it’ll be the time to find something else.”
Back in July, Webb did show interest in doing something a bit different for a fourth Amazing Spider-Man film. He said that it might focus on other characters besides Spidey. However, in December, Sony announced plans to expand the universe with a Sinister Six film and a Venom movie. One of the studio executives also made an ambitious comment that she’d like to see one Spider-Man movie a year.
Webb, who made a name for himself with (500) Days of Summer, wrapped work on The Amazing Spider-Man 2 recently. That film will be out on May 2.
image courtesy of Sony