I now have the perfect product for all my electronic cleaning needs! Its called Mobile Clean and Go and its super convenient.
The product is completely safe for laptops, smartphones, tablets, mp3 players and handheld gaming devices. It is packaged in a slim square-like spray bottle (fits in your pocket) and is 0.5 fl. oz. making it TSA compliant for air travel. A little bit of this fantastic cleaning solution goes a long way; each bottle supplies up to 250 cleanings. The dual hybrid microfiber cleaning pad that accompanies the bottle safely and expertly removes all grim, make up (oily) residue, and everyday filth.

We put Mobile Clean and Go to the ultimate test in my house. Within moments the face makeup residue was lifted from my phone and those pesky fingerprints that drive me crazy came off of the family laptop and tablets. No more PB & J prints on our devices!

The cleaning pads are completely machine washable using warm water using regular laundry detergent and can be machine dried as well.
Buying options include the Screen Cleaning Starter Set for $12.99 which includes the 15ml cleaning solution, a dual microfiber cleaning pad and a sleeved protector for portable ease. For all options and more information please visit www.mobilecleanandgo.com and visit them on facebook at www.facebook.com/mobilecleanandgo.