A new type of laser treatment may make tattoo removals faster and easier.

According to CBS News, the PicoSure is a laser that sends short pulses of lasers on the skin in just a few short moments. Since the pulses are small, the lasers don’t produce a lot of heat, which makes scarring less likely. This has the potential to make removing tattoos much simpler and quicker.

Tattoo removal methods must be approved by the Food and Drug Administration. At this time, the FDA has only approved certain lasers to be used for tattoo removal. Most of the procedures for removing tattoos are both lengthy and expensive.

Unlike other tattoo removing lasers, which focus on one color at a time, the PicoSure removes the tattoo as a whole, not just focusing on any one color.

ABC News reports that since there are fewer sessions needed with the PicoSure, the cost is dramatically cheaper. The removal itself, however, still hurts at first.