A new study shows that dogs and humans share the same reactions in social encounters.

Eleven of man’s best friends underwent a series of brain tests to further understand how dogs react to their social environment. According to ABC News, researchers at the MTA-ELTE Comparative Ethology Research Group in Hungary found that since humans and dogs both share the same living environment, they in turn share the same reactions.

According to the Telegraph, the dogs trained for the testing and the human volunteers displayed the same types of physical and emotional responses when faced with various sounds like whining, laughing, and crying.

Dogs learn to react to certain emotions based on their human counterparts, reports the Science Recorder. Since there is a strong bond between humans and canines, it is likely they have developed mentally together over the years, keeping the same set of emotional standards.

The findings from the MTA-ELTE Comparative Ethology Research Group in Hungary have been published in the journal Current Biology.