The upcoming feature film, Noah from Darren Aronofsky, is opening strong overseas. The film has opened in Mexico and has made $1.4 million at the box office on Friday.

For the Mexico box office these are strong figures that match that of Gravity. Noah is also ahead of films like Skyfall and inception which opened in Mexico to impressive box office numbers, Variety reported.

The world premiere of the film was held in Mexico, which helped to drive traffic to one of the 635 locations that were showing the film this weekend.

Noah will be opening in theaters next weekend in the United States.

In recent interviews Aronofsky spoke about the fact that he was nervous about taking on a project of this size. The budget on the film was around $130 million. "I thought, 'What if I'm not good enough to get on the boat?'

The director went on to explain that this was his own vision and that Noah was one of the first true environmentalists, Fox News reported.

Noah stars, Emma Watson, Russell Crowe and Jennifer Connelly.

image: Getty