Robots can do everything now, but pole dancing seemed a little out of reach. That is until now. Yes, pole dancing robots now exist, so technology is now taking those jobs away, too.

German company Tobit Software showed off a pair of robots that were pole dancing during the CeBit IT show Monday in Hanover, Germany. They were designed by British artist Giles Walker and were made using 12V motors used in cars, reports CNET. The robots have LED arrays where their faces should be and they still need a human at a PC to be controlled. There was also a “male” robot DJ that has a megaphone for a head.

“We changed them a little bit to make them more interesting,” a Tobit spokesman told RuptlyTV, reports The Huffington Post. “We changed them to get more color, we changed them to get bigger breast. All that guys need to have to play with.”

The only drawback of the robots is the price. You can’t just throw dollar bills at them. BBC News reports that they cost a whopping $39,500 each.

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