The cast for Warner Bros. live action Peter Pan, is coming together with another cast member just announced. Rooney Mara, known for her roles in The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo and The Social Network will be playing Tiger Lily in the upcoming film.
Variety reported that both Hugh Jackman and Garrett Hedlund are already signed on to star in the film. Jackman will be playing the role of Blackbeard and Hedlund will be playing Hook.
One of the most important roles in the film is still left to be casted, which is that of Peter Pan. Sources close to Warner Bros. have explained that an open casting call will be held for the role and they are looking for actors between 10 and 12 years old.
Joe Wright has already signed on to director the upcoming film for Warner Bros., The Daily Mail reported.
This retelling on Pan will focus more on the origins of the character and will be a live action, darker version of the story.
A release date for the film has already been announced by the studio, July 17, 2015. Which is a very popular summer debut time for films.
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