On Thursday a new channel that is funded by the Russian government blasted news anchor Liz Wahl announced that she couldn’t be a part of a company that was Russian backed.

The news channel said that Wahl called it quits in “a self-promotional stunt,” according to Fox News.

In her statement, Wahl said, “As a reporter on this network, I face many ethical and moral challenges, especially me personally, coming from a family whose grandparents… came here as refugees during the Hungarian revolution, ironically to escape the Soviet forces,” and continued saying that her parent’s relatives on the side of poverty, and her partner is a physician for the military-who sees the terror that happens to soldiers who serve our country.

This anchor’s statement comes after her co-worker also spoke out on her disagreement with the events happening in Russia and the Ukraine.

According to CNN , Wahl’s co-worker wasn’t reprimanded and continues to work for the network, however the network accuses Wahl of paying more attention to the attention that her co-worker attracted more than what she was standing up for.

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