The Food and Drug Administration has approved the generic version of the morning after pill Plan B One Step to be sold over the counter without age restrictions.
The decision was made just recently to allow the branded company, Tevra, exclusive rights to market and sell this type of non-prescription birth control. But, that decision seems to have gone out the window.
The main reason for allowing the generic pill to be sold is that it is cheaper than the branded product and should be available as emergency birth control for people of varying financial situations. According to americanlivewire it was decided that when it comes to teen pregnancy, cost could be an issue since the FDA believes teenagers do not always have access to money.
Although the generic pill is available to any age it still comes with some recommendations. According to thealmagest the product will be sold with a recommendation that it should only be used by women over the age of 17, but customers will not be asked their age to make the purchase.