Russian President Vladimir Putin has been given approval from the upper house of parliament on using military force in dealing with Ukraine.
According to CNN, the unanimous Saturday vote will allow Putin to move military forces into Crimea. Putin had argued that the "extraordinary situation in Ukraine" require troops to be sent in to protect Russian citizens and other troops.
Ukraine's acting president blasted the decision. Oleksandr Turchynov said through social media "We perceive Russia's actions as direct aggression towards the sovereignty of Ukraine."
The president's actions ignored warnings from Western countries, like the United States, who have asked that Russia not interfere with Ukraine after the ousting of Russian-backed President Viktor Yanukovych earlier in the week.
The Associated Press reports on Friday President Barack Obama told Russia that "there will be costs" for any actions by Russia. Parliament ignored the warnings, noting Obama shouldn't have said that and moved for the recall of the Russian ambassador.
Ukraine is worried about the possibility of Russia's actions leading towards Crimea trying to completely break away as the population there is largely Russian and have sided with the country during the upheaval, which saw Yanukovych removed from power.
Ukraine's parliament has made it known they want the former president tried at the International Criminal Court at the Hague.
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