Since the announcement of the English band Mumford & Sons taking a break back in September, Winston Marshall has confirmed that the band is parting ways for good.

Marshall, the band’s banjo player, sat down in an interview with Vulture, where he confirmed the band’s permanent separation.

“I wish I had something to say about Mumford & Sons. It was a good time,” he said before confirming, “It’s over.”

When asked if the band was totally over, he yet again confirmed according to ET. “Yeah, we had a good time, though, you know. It was good.”

However, Marshall is not knocking the possibility of reunion tour in the future.
“Well, I dunno, fucking, that would be awesome,” he said. “But, you know, it is what it is, I guess.”

Marshall is now decided to move on to other projects, one’s that do not include the banjo.

When he was asked if Mumford & Sons had “killed” the banjo in his opinion,
Marshall was not shy in answering that they absolutely did.

“I think ‘killed’ is an understatement. We murdered it,” Marshall said. “We let it, yeah- fuck the banjo. I fucking hate the banjo.”

Now the former banjo player is said to be making new projects in the catering
field. According to Vulture, Marshall was responsible for the after-party’s Smile-catered spread.

While a lot of people may think that his decision to get into catering is quite random, it’s not in Marshall’s opinion.

“Well, for me, food and music are very similar in that you create, you spend a lot of time marking something and it only lasts for a few seconds, or a few minutes,” he explained. “So yeah, this is sort of my new- this is me getting it out, I guess.”

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