A Tennessee woman was shocked to find her face on Backpage.com, which is a site used for prostitution. Dallas Miller, a 21 year old, received an email from her friend informing her that her photographs were being used in advertisements.

Dallas' pictures were used in an ad that read, “best time of your life 100% guaranteed satisfaction (phone number hidden) OUTCALL ONLY – 21.”

“Even my price ranges were listed on there," Miller said.

According to Yahoo! News, the pictures used in the ads on the site were from Miller's Facebook profile.

"It's been tough. I definitely feel victimized," Miller said.

Miller has learned a very valuable lesson from this and wants others to learn from her experience.

"Protect your Facebook pictures," she said. "This just goes to show that your face can end up anywhere."

Authorities are investigating the ad, but since it's coming from a fake account, it may take time to find the person responsible for creating the page.

The Huffington Post noted that the Federal Bureau of Investiagation sends a warning to all users of social media and explains how important it is to highly secure your social networking sites.