A contestant on the new season of ABC’s The Bachelorette starring Andi Dorfman, Eric Hill, is currently in a coma after a tragic paragliding accident on Sunday.

Hill sought to visit every country in the world in a timeframe of less than 1,200 days. The accident took place in Utah, where he was paragliding with one of his friends.

In a post on the Facebook page dedicated to Hill called “Go with Eric, a Global Odysssy,” it was revealed it’s “not looking good” for him.

“Friends: Eric has been in a horrible paragliding accident and is currently in critical condition in a coma. Things are not looking good right now...please, all across the world, even if you're not a praying person, please pray for him. He needs your prayers more than ever,” the message read.

ABC News notes it doesn’t appear that Hill was filming The Bachelorette at the time of his accident, which means he had already been eliminated by Dorfman. A rep for the show didn’t have a comment.