Lionsgate's action-comedy American Ultra has gained two more cast members. Bill Pullman and Tony Hale are to set to join Jesse Eisenberg and Kirsten Stewart in the upcoming film.
Variety reported that also signed on to star in the film, which starts production on Monday, include Topher Grace, John Leguizamo and Walton Goggins.
The movie will tell the story of a small-town man, average man, who is stoner and very unmotivated, who is played by Eisenberg. This character has a live-in girlfriend, which will be played by Stewart, and the two of them have average and boring lives. This all changes when a secret from the main characters cast comes back to haunt him.
Lionsgate’s Jason Constantine is overseeing will be overseeing production in New Orleans and the film as a whole. Also working on the film include a variety of production companies, such as, PalmStar, Likely Story and Circle of Confusion.
Deadline added that FilmNation will be handling international sales for American Ultra.