A Subway restaurant on Chicago’s South Side has installed bulletproof glass to protect its employees while they prepare sandwiches.

According to the Daily Mail, the restaurant installed the shield to keep workers safe around the food-prep area and even includes a revolving door hatch for the staff to pass food through.

Because the 24-hour sub shop is located in a dangerous neighborhood, the franchise felt that it had to resort to encasing its workers.

These drastic measures are not surprising given Chicago’s record number of shootings in recent years.

Statistics compiled by the Chicago Tribune showed that there have been seven criminal instances in the past month within a three block radius of the restaurant.

However, police chief Garry McCarthy has insisted that the murder rate has dropped considerably.

The Windy City did experience a violent Easter weekend though when nine people were killed and 36 others were injured in shootings. Several of the victims were children as young as 11.