Actor and rapper Childish Gambino wants out of his record contract with Glassnote Records. Gambino took to Twitter to express his anger with his label, only a hours after he released his latest single "Sweatpants."

Billboard reported that Gambino sent out nine tweets that explained why he wants to be bought out of his current record contract.

Gambino went to express that he wanted his music video and single to be handled differently and actually asked other labels to buy him out of his current contract. In his rant on Twitter he claimed that he had been lied to by his label and that the project was mishandled.

The Huffington Post added that this is not the first time that Gambino has had issues with his record label. Last year he took to Twitter to express his anger once one of his singles was leaked earlier.

In this rant he expressed the need to be in control of rollouts for his music and creative vision.