Two 10 year old Colorado students were caught selling marijuana at their elementary school. The forth grader brought a small amount of the marijuana to Monfort Elementary School on Monday.
“He sold it to three other fourth graders on the school playground, which resulted in a profit to the young man of $11,” John Gates told ABC News.
One of the three buyers apparently brought an edible form of marijuana to school the next day and gave it to the boy who made the original sale.
That boy nibbled on the edible, but suffered no ill-effects, Gates said. Gates also noted that another student watched the incident take place and reported it.
Yahoo News writes that the boys took the marijuana from their grandparents who had purchased the pot from a state-sanctioned shop where it was legal for purchase.
Jennifer Sheldon, Monfort Elementary School principal sent home a letter to inform parents of students of the incidents that took place.
"We urge all parents, grandparents and anyone who cares for children to treat marijuana as you would prescription drugs, alcohol, or even firearms. This drug is potentially lethal to children and should always be kept under lock and key, away from young people," the letter read.
According to ABC News, the four students are to be suspended form the school for a "significant" number of days, but it is uncertain exactly how many days the suspension will last. The police were notified, but the incident is not being classified as a crime.
The school urges parents to keep products like these locked away and secure from their children. Adults 21 and older are legal to purchase recreational marijuana in Colorado, but it is certainly illegal for fourth graders to not only possess, but sell the drug.
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