During the last years of his life, the French master Henri Matisse entered a new phase of his career, making brilliantly colored cut-out works. The largest single collection of these works - 130 in total - are now on display at the Tate Modern in London.
One of the centerpieces that will likely draw crowds are Matisse’s four iconic Blue Nudes, notes The London Standard. All four were made simply by cutting out shapes out of blue paper. They have rarely been shown together and were made in 1952. Matisse died two years later at age 84.
“It’s an amazing opportunity to look at these works together,” Sophie Matisse, Matisse’s granddaughter, told the media last week. “It is really very rare to have that kind of magical opportunity. I don’t even know how I will feel. I’ve always loved the cut-outs.” She even said that some of the pieces will be brand new to her.
According to The Associated Press, some of the pieces are not small. Despite the material, Matisse used it to create pieces that covered entire walls, like Large Composition with Masks and The Snail.
The exhibition has earned praise, particularly from The Telegraph, which said that it should be one of the most popular art exhibitions ever staged in the U.K.
“Henri Matisse: The Cut-Outs” will be at the Tate Modern from April 17 to Sept. 7.