As difficulty between Russia and the Ukraine continues, investors are looking to world stocks and watching as political leaders respond to inquiries about sanctions.
SEB analyst Per Hammarlund told Reuters, “With the Russia-Ukraine crisis rumbling on, affecting financial markets in both emerging and developed economies, investors are apt to ask for how long it will continue. If (Putin) continues to pursue this tactic (of supporting rebels from outside) the implications are that the process will be drawn out for global markets."
On Monday, U.S. President Barack Obama discussed sanctions in response to Putin’s policies toward the uprising in the Ukraine. President Obama maintained that measures against Russia's economy would be "in reserve". Broader measures and additional economic sanctions could go into place. The European Union will follow with their policies regarding sanctions in time.
Analysts are looking at how sanctions against Russia will have an impact on the stock market. The measures could already be changing the profit margin of some companies in the United States, according to the Associated Press.