Producers of the show "A Night With Janis Joplin" have announced that they will be postponing indefinitely the off-Broadway opening. The show opened on Broadway this past October.

This off-Broadway production was supposed to be opening on Thursday at the Gramercy Theatre in Chelsea, which is a smaller venue.

Billboard reported that the reason for the delay is because of production issues.

A statement from the show’s producers went into further detail about why the show was delayed indefinitely. “A Night With Janis Joplin at Gramercy Theater will postpone its opening indefinitely due to production issues. Refunds will be available for all ticket holders at point of purchase," detailed the statement. "Further information will be released when available.”

CBS New York detailed that critically acclaimed actress, Mary Bridget Davies was set to reprise her now famous role for the run that would take place in Chelsea.

Fans who had purchased tickets for the upcoming performances will be given the chance to get their ticket cost refunded.