In 1998, the world was graced with a precious gift in the form of a film by the Coen brothers, The Big Lebowski. This year at Lebowski Fest, Jeff Bridges and the Abiders will take the stage for the ultimate performance by “The Dude” himself.

Bridges has made appearances at the annual concert before, which kicked off for the first time in 2002 in tribute to the 1998 cult classic. For the White Russian and bathrobe obsessed, this is the festival is perfect for you.

In 2005, Bridges belted out Bob Dylan’s “The Man in Me,” from the movie soundtrack with the help of other cast members, and according to, this year’s concert will take place on April 25th at Los Angeles’ Wiltern Theater.

The opening act, the Kyle Gass Band, is led by one half of Tenacious D, and the concert will also feature Jeff “The Dude” Dowd, the inspiration of the movie’s main character, Jimmy Hoosier who played Liam, as well ass the actors and actresses who appear in the movie and were lucky enough to be labeled as as "Corvette Owner," "Family Waitress" and "Ralph's Girl,” is the film credits, as reported by Rolling Stone

When the concert concludes, there will be a live screening of the movie. The following day will be full of activities pertaining to the popular Coen Brothers film: bowling parties, trivia and costume contests. Dowd, Hoosier and Barry Asher, the bowling advertiser for the movie, will show off their skills on the lanes.

Fifteen years later, fans worldwide still adore the cult-classic and the rug that really tied the room together. Loosen up, put on your favorite and most beaten up bathrobe and start screaming profanities in your local bowling alley with your friends. Okay, maybe not that last part. Get in ‘The Dude” character and celebrate the annual Big Lebowski fest, even if that means jamming in your beaten up car to Creedence Clearwater Revival’s “Looking Out My Backdoor.”

Watch some of the films best moments here: