Joe Jonas recently discussed Justin Bieber in the new issue of Scene.

In December, Jonas spoke out about the wild times he had including smoking marijuana with Demi Lovato and Miley Cyrus when he has 17 or 18-years-old.

Justin Bieber, who has been in some legal trouble this year, including having his house raided by law enforcement has had it much harder, according to Jonas.

“I’ve had an easier route than most. The youngsters just turning 20, the Biebers of the world, are under a microscope,” Jonas said to Scene according to MTV. “[Bieber] is having a very tough time finding balance. I think we all saw it coming. Your dad is your party animal- that’s going to sum it up pretty quick. There’s an equation for some sort of explosion.”

After his release of his solo album Fastlife, Jonas has been trying to reset his public persona and has been trying to keep his distance from the cameras. However, he is working on an upcoming album in which he states he’s still “at the baby stages” of it.

“I’m trying to [make it] something that I really want it to be- do music that I’m really proud of and not let too many cooks in the kitchen,” Jonas told Scene.